Four summers ago in a town three hours from Cochran, I worked as a sales associate (cashier/stock girl/crafting advice giver) for JoAnn Fabrics in Athens, GA. I loved working there for lots of reasons (people were nice, got a neat discount, loved being around my hobby of sewing & crafting, on the bus route, near a Jittery Joe's, in Athens....) and unfortunately like an alcoholic exposed to alcohol, being too near my favorite hobby materials was like a siren song and so I usually wound up getting something as soon as my shift was done. One of those siren song items was a pair of Star Wars fleece pillow kits where you cut the fleece and tie the ends around a pillow form. I was unable to actually make the pillows though until this last April when I finally procured two pillow forms of around the right size and took the time (2hrs at my sewing table and then my kitchen table due to lighting issues)

to make them. I was rather pleased with the result and both my husband and the dogs seem to agree. Zach often uses them to nap on or use as a prop on the floor when he plays video games or watches TV. For now they live on the futon but they will probably very soon live in my hobby room when we get new furniture (crossing fingers) for the living room.
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