Yeah! Zach and I officially welcomed guests into our new apartment by throwing a lab party which I think went off rather well. We had a great spread of food, good tv and friendly conversation. Thanks to all who brought something to eat and/or drink. The table was overloaded with watermelon, cantalope, Greek Rice Salad (Anna I need the recipie!), green salad, guava juice, pepsi with lime (Thanks to Jen for bringing the Pepsi for the non-Coke drinkers and making salad), lemonade, (nice variety of drinks) a chinese dish with broccoli (Thanks Mingxiao!), a nice Merlot(Good choice by Emilie and Julian) and Rolling Rock beer(Thanks Guangyi! Really great to meet the family), grilled portobello mushrooms, and all kinds of toppings for hamburgers (lettuce, onion, tomato, cheese). Thanks to Katie for making some really good brownies and bringing French Vanilla icecream to top them with for dessert. Katie and Brad liked our sweet tea and didn't seem to suffer any ill effects from drinking a glass or two. Thanks to Zach for cooking hamburgers, hotdogs and oysters inside without the aid of a grill (Love you honey). We'll definitely have to have another party but next time we'll make reservations for the grill outside. And everyone will have to bring their swimsuits!