Thursday, May 21, 2009

Strange Facebook surveys

That’s right I was tagged for a Meme. Yes, I’m using it for blog fodder. Besides what else am I supposed to do while waiting on the servers?

Directions: Share ODD Things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 20 something things about your friends, and let them learn 20-something things about you

  1. Do you like blue cheese? yes I love Rouquefort from Whole Foods
  2. Have you ever smoked? I did for 7ish years. Haven't needed one for 2 years
  3. Do you own a gun? One
  4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Is red a flavor?
  5. What do you think of hot dogs? If its real meat then bring it on
  6. Favorite Christmas movie?Christmas Story
  7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Tea or Coffee
  8. Can you do push ups? As many as you want
  9. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? St. Christopher (Military Patron) medal
  10. Favorite hobby? Currently renovating my home
  11. Do you have A. D. D? Yup, I have come back to this twice already
  12. Do you wear glasses/contacts? Glasses but I have a few disposable contacts
  13. Name 3 random thoughts at this exact moment: I have to type a progress report eventually, I wonder what condition my house will be in another 160 years. Are drag queens really just gay men with too much fashion sense? "Sorry folks there was a parade passing today at lunch. "
  14. Name 3 drinks you regularly? Tea, Coffee, Mt Dew
  15. Favorite place to be? St Joseph bay
  16. Where would you like to go? Scotland, to Hawai'i, or back to Perth
  17. What shirt are you wearing? My "I failed the Turing test" t-shirt
  18. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Satin pillow cases with regular sheets
  19. Can you whistle? Yes I can
  20. Where are you now? At work in Pensacola. And I probably won't get to see the beach.
  21. Would you be a pirate? Argghh, Does that mean I have to be a skinny Somali ?
  22. Do you sing in the shower? The shower faucet is being re-chromed at the moment. So no
  23. What is in your pocket right now? Keys,RFID tag, cellphone, ipod, wallet, two jump drives, and an Ethernet crossover adapter
  24. Last thing that made you laugh? Fat guy driving a General Lee on I-10.
  25. Random odd thing. I have a stupid toe.
  26. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3