Yesterday Zach and I made a trip to Borders at Waikele Outlet Center to get my reserved copy of the newest installment in the Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." We enjoyed a quick lunch at McDonalds and were briefly entertained by Zach feeding french fries to some of the birds. After Borders we made our way to the Dole Cannery Signature Theaters to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We both liked it but I still think Johnny Depp was a little weird in his portrayal of Willy Wonka. After the movie we went to Ala Moana and tried a new place for dinner, Hanazen. Zach had fried Aji and hamburger which tasted more like a really good meatloaf and I had some really good fried chicken and a different kind of macaroni salad with mashed potatoes, mayonnaise and thin cucumber slices. We went fishing after dinner and Zach caught a 1Lb Tilapia. Needless to say when we got home that evening we were both dead tired but I did manage to get some reading in of my new Harry Potter book. The Walmart near Ala Moana had tons of copies for $15.72 which irritated me since I went through all the effort to reserve a copy and then paid $20.99 for it at Borders but I'd rather keep my copy than return it for $5 and an hour bus ride.