Yeah! We have tomatoes! Lots of tomatoes. So many tomatoes they're threatening to take over the garden and force us to eat salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner so the tomatoes do not go to waste. We're giving them away we have so many tomatoes. As for the kind of tomatoes we are growing, I wanted to try some heirloom tomatoes mixed in with the roma and BetterBoy varieties. Well at present we are inundated with the small roma and pear-shaped heirlooms but only a few medium sized brandywine tomatoes and one or two BetterBoys. Today we picked the first yellow heirloom tomato which is about the size of two large grapes squished together. Not forgetting the two decent sized yellow squash we are waiting to try. The vines are not producing like I am used to so I am going to have to research growing squash in south Georgia a little more for next year's crop. This year was totally experimental anyway so anything we get is a bonus! Especially all the tomatoes. Now all I have to do is keep Zach from eating them all before we can have them on our salads (he'll eat them whole right out of the garden and bowl!).