Saturday, June 25, 2005

The rectangle building with the blue glass windows partially obscured by the telephone line is the POST building where Sharon will be working. Posted by Hello

The view from the balcony of our sublet.  Posted by Hello

Friday, June 24, 2005

Kirk's blog from Commerce

My little brother has started a blog
check it out

Made me feel like I was back in Georgia. A stop light in the middle of nowhere. :D Posted by Hello

Mountain view from car on 72. Posted by Hello

Entrance to the tunnel going through the mountains on H3.  Posted by Hello

I took this because I thought it was really neat to see the clouds covering the top of the mountain. Posted by Hello

Zach had me take this one. It looked like a bumblebee and sounded like one but this bug probably only fuels up on gas. Posted by Hello

Like Walmart, apparently one cannot escape the cactus plant. Posted by Hello

The water here is so blue! Very cool. Posted by Hello

Crabs. Reminds me of the scene with crabs in Finding Nemo. Posted by Hello

Fishes! This was taken at Kapiolani Beach Park. Posted by Hello

Zach winning at the slots. Whoda thunkit? Posted by Hello

I could repeat the sign but I think it says it for me. Posted by Hello

Las Vegas - The Time Before Hawaii

During our layover in Las Vegas, Zach decided to do a little gambling at one of the many slot machines available throughout the airport. Lo and behold to my great surprise he won $35 dollars from $4 dollars with a net profit of $31! Hey at least it paid for our meals and a couple of maps.

We made it! No really we did. Really.

We made it! To Honolulu, Hawaii! And we found our sublet without getting run over! We took a little tour (not quite three hours but close) and we found most of the major shopping areas including a Walmart, a K-Mart, Borders and Sears. Yes folks we came all the way to Hawaii just to find a Walmart. Tomorrow I go to work at UH to get the lay of the land and Zach is going to continue his search for more long term housing. The views are spectacular and the people are really friendly especially at Burger King and McDonalds though they do not have sweet tea. Zach made boiled tea tonight on the stove to curb his need for sweet tea. It's a work in progress.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Zach's holding up the expanded 12in x 12in "towel." I think washcloth is more appropriate but since the package says its a towel we'll go with that description.
 Posted by Hello

Here Zach is putting the towel into warm water per directions.

 Posted by Hello

The following picture shows Zach opening one of the compact towels tightly wrapped in plastic in the shape of a fish.

 Posted by Hello

Luau and the Big Fish "Towel"

Thanks to my sister, my parents and Grandma Sarah for putting on a really cool luau on Saturday! Zach and I had a great time and we were glad we got to see everyone before leaving for Hawaii. We started packing late Sunday and I decided to open the compact towels given to us by my mother and my sister. I'd never had one of these before and it was fun to see it expand in water. Pictures of this process are posted above. Ahoy mates!

Herbert Hoover and Free Speech

Herbert Hoover (Republican President 1929-1933): "It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his own."

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