The only thing constant in the universe is change.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Zach working hard at his laptop. Wonder what website he's checking out? Could it be an aquarium message board?
Sharon on the campus of University of Hawai'i at Manoa! Thanks to Zach for taking the picture.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Maybe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? If not it was pretty to see.
Middle of the rainbow
Really Big Rainbow! I was watching Star Wars:Empire on A&E when Zach standing on the balcony started waiving his hands telling me to get over here quick! Needless to say I could stop watching Star Wars long enough to enjoy a really neat rainbow.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
We started to go to the beach when this picture was taken but the sun was beating down too hard and we had to go home and take a nap. Hopefully we'll make it all the way to the beach tomorrow.
They have COMICS!!!! Zach and I went to the Ward Warehouse today and visited the OtherRealms comic book shop. I bought a Star Wars Infinities #1 and spoke with the owner who was very cool! I think I found my comic book shop.
The ubiquitous KFC. Hawaiians I think really like fried chicken. Course so do I so we're in agreement. Though I would really love a Chick-Fil-A right about now. No one makes a chicken sandwich like they do.
The Bus is the best bus system in America. Hey it says this on the side of every bus and the information specialists were very helpful in figuring out what buses to take where so I'm impressed. We took #3, 6, 9 and Route A.
Unfortunately not everything about our first Friday in Hawaii was positive. Our rental car was towed because we had parked it in a tow zone (supposedly there was a sign but we did not see one) with no parking allowed from 6:30am to 8:30am M-F. If we had gotten up at 6:29am we would have avoided a $130.50 tow charge plus a $50 parking ticket (which we get to pay next week when we figure out where to go). The real kicker was the attitude of the tow truck guy who laughed because we got a ticket. Athens and Atlanta have parking problems similar to this but its never fun when you've just moved and especially when you'd rather do things other than paying tow fees for a rental car. Note to the city leaders of Honolulu: Build a parking deck on one of those empty or rundown lots, charge $2 a car per hour and you'll make enough money to pay the city back for various events held on the beach.